How To Care For Your Fire Safety Equipment

fire alarm

Fire safety equipment is there to keep you safe. However, so that it can perform properly, it needs to be well maintained. We all hope that our fire alarms and extinguishers don’t need to be used, so it can be easy to forget about them. Have a look at the following suggestions to ensure your equipment doesn’t miss out on vital maintenance.

Smoke Alarm Maintenance

All UK homes should be fitted with smoke detectors. These can save lives by alerting residents to fire, meaning there is more time to evacuate the building safely. Smoke alarms are usually fitted to the ceiling, and are powered by batteries.

Similar devices are also on the market which are triggered by heat. These heat detectors work well in kitchens, where a normal amount of expected smoke could create a false alarm.

You should be giving your alarms a thorough inspection every six months, ideally by a qualified technician. As well as that, you also need to ensure the device has adequate battery power and is tested weekly. Most alarms have a test button which can be used to check the alarm is capable of sounding.

Fire Door Maintenance

As well as your alarms, any fire doors also need attending to. These doors play a hugely important role in slowing the spread of fire, allowing it to be contained in one area for longer than if a normal door were used.

Fire doors have special features which make them more effective at managing fire. Intumescent strips line the door, which help to seal the doorway when exposed to heat. These need to be inspected periodically. As well as that, the automatic closing system will also need to be serviced and maintained throughout the year.

For Fire Safety Equipment Maintenance, Call Kings Group SW

If you need your fire safety equipment serviced, look no further than our friendly team. Not only do we install a number of fire detection and prevention devices, we can also assess, repair and maintain them. No matter whether you’re a homeowner or manager of a business premises, our team can help to ensure you’re prepared in the event of a fire.


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